New Wyoming Wildlife License Plates for 2019
Have you ever hit or nearly hit an antelope, deer, elk or even a moose on the WY roads?
Chances are, you probably have. Big game and wildlife is a big deal in Wyoming. The Wyoming Game and Fish Dept Annual report, states that the population of these big game animals is around;
- Pronghorn 425,000
- Mule deer, 409,000
- Whitetail deer 85,000
- Elk 105,000
- Moose is around 4,000
It’s no surprise that there has been around 6,000 vehicle and big game collisions within the last 3 years. Coming January of 2019 there will be the option to purchase Wyoming Wildlife Conservation plates, in an effort to reduce vehicle collisions with wildlife.
Wyoming Wildlife Plates
According to Wyoming Public Media, state legislator Stan Blake of Sweetwater County, WY, wants to help prevent vehicle collisions with wildlife. A collaborative effort with the wildlife conservation group, Muley Fanatic Foundation, assisted in getting support for house bill 0039 to pass. The bill describes how funds from the sale of the Wyoming wildlife plates will provide;
- Wildlife conservation efforts related to the transportation system
- Signage
- Wildlife corridors
- Wildlife crossings
- Game fences
Wyoming wildlife plates will be available for personal vehicles in Wyoming. The plates will be on sale for $150, and a $50 yearly renewal fee. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the plates will go towards the improvements listed above. The Wyoming Department of Transport will be responsible for the design. According to the bill, the design will not need to have the Arabic numerals designating the county. It also says that unless 1000 plates sell before Jan 2025, the plates will cease production. The Muley Fanatic Foundation got over 2000 signatures in support of the plates.
Muley Fanatic Foundation
Joshua Coursey, MFF President/CEO of the Muley Fanatic Foundation, says, “The Muley Fanatic Foundation wants to offer a special thank you to Representative Blake for his unwavering support and steadfast determination to see this bill through the legislative process. We’d also like to recognize that the bill’s passage would not have been possible without the incredible public support – from phone calls, letters, and emails – our state lawmakers heard from the people of Wyoming in support of HB0039. Getting a bill passed, let alone during a fast-paced budget session is not an easy task. That being said, when the dust settled, a good idea is a good idea regardless. We are very pleased with the outcome and the tremendous benefit it will provide beyond our living years”

Picture from left to right is: Joey Faigl, MFF Chief Operating Officer, Wyoming Governor Matt Mead, Joshua Coursey, MFF President/CEO, Chris Steffen, MFF Director of Operations
As well as the Muley Fanatic Foundation, several other organizations contributed to pledging support for the bill. Those were; Wyoming Wildlife Federation; Wyoming Stock Growers Association; Petroleum Association of Wyoming; Sweetwater County Commissioners; Wyoming Mining Association; Western Landowners Alliance; Wyoming Mining Natural Resource Foundation; Wyoming Trout Unlimited; Sweetwater County Enterprise Committee; Bowhunters of Wyoming; Wyoming Hunters and Anglers Alliance; Wyoming Backcountry Horsemen of America; County Commissioners Association; Wyoming Association of Municipalities; Wyoming Outdoor Council; The Nature Conservancy; Wyoming Federation of Union Sportsmen; Back Country Hunters and Anglers; Wyoming Wildlife Federation; Wyoming Wild Sheep Foundation; Yellowstone Country Bear Association; Wyoming Trout Unlimited; Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association and the Wyoming Game and Fish.
The act is effective Jan 2019.
What do you think of the new Wyoming wildlife plates? Would you purchase them?
Update 12/27/18 – Wyoming wildlife plates do not allow personalized/prestige numbers/characters. Wyoming wildlife plate numbers are in numerical order.
Update 01/04/19- Here is what WYDOT posted on their website for the plate design. Added cost is $30 specialty plate fee and $150 to wildlife conservation making the total $180.
Will we be able to get our current vanity plate moved to this plate?
According to Natrona County Clerk, there won’t be vanity plates available for these, just sequential numbers.