Engine Oil![]()
What is the purpose of engine oil in your vehicle?
The purpose of oil is to lubricate working parts of the engine. But why you say? Engines are made of metal. Metal-on-metal friction is not a good thing!
Different engine oil types
Different types of oil for your engine include;
- Synthetic
- Semi-synthetic
- Conventional (also called mineral or regular)
Synthetic oil
The most modern oil. A thinner oil, where the molecules in the oil are specially made to meet the demands of a modern-day engine. Synthetic oil is designed to protect your vehicle under extreme circumstances. The longest-lasting type of oil. It does not cause your engine to leak, however, because it is a thinner oil, it is easier to identify leaks in gaskets and/or seals.
Semi-synthetic oil
A blend of mineral oil and synthetic oil. Semi-synthetic oil is usually cheaper than fully synthetic. The blend gives some of the benefits of synthetic oil ie. giving engine protection across a wide range of temperatures. It does not degrade as quickly as conventional/mineral oil.
Conventional oil
Derived from crude oil. Most vehicles will run on conventional oil, however, it does not last as long as a synthetic or a semi-synthetic blend. It is cheaper in the short term however you will need it replaced more often.
What do the numbers on oil bottles mean?
There are also different ratings and viscosities of oil. Viscosity, “the state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency, due to internal friction.” Source 1.
An engine needs oils that will work in the cold winter and the hot. (something we know about in Wy). Oil becomes thinner when hot and thicker when cold.
You will see some numbers on a bottle of oil such as 10W30 or SAE 30. The ‘W’ means tested for winter temperatures. The lower the number in front of the ‘W’ relates to the lower the temperature the oil will flow at. This avoids dry running the engine until the oil has warmed up to optimum operating temperatures. If you would like to know more in-depth about how the oil is tested and where these numbers come from click here.
How do you know what oil do you put in your vehicle?
Always check the manufacturer handbook/manual that came with the vehicle, check the engine oil cap under the hood, or you can always give us a call. Whichever brand you choose, this link will help identify the rating you need, product-selector.
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