Jace Salutregui
We catch up with Jace Salutregui, the General Sales Manager at Fremont Motor Ford, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram in Cody, WY.
Where were you born and raised?
“I was born in Ontario, Oregon”.
What brought you to Cody, Wyoming?
“I actually came to Northwest College on a rodeo scholarship and I rodeoed professionally for 6 years and then just kinda stuck in

What did you do in rodeo?
“I rode saddle bronc horses actually.”
How long have you worked in the automotive industry?
“I’ve been in the auto industry about 6 years.”
What is your favorite part of the job?
“I’d have to say the diversity of it. I mean, just…everyday is inconsistent. Every day is a different day in the car industry. It changes so much and you talk to so many different types of people.”
How would you describe your day job to a child?
“I more or less help people get in to vehicles.”
What is your biggest achievement?
“Um. I’d have to say, so far is being able to get in the chair I’m currently in at my age. I got into the car industry fairly young and to get into the sales manager role at 25 was a pretty big accomplishment for myself.”

Growing up as a child, what did you want your career to be?
“I always wanted to rodeo for a long long time, but uh, growing up, I
When you aren’t working, what are you doing?
“Usually, I’m somewhere outdoors with my wife or my son. We like to go boating (it’s a big past time for us), skiing, anywhere outdoors with my family.”

What kind of music do you like?
“Almost everything. Rap, country and rock mostly but almost everything.”
How about your favorite food?
“Ooh. Anything Mexican.”
Do you have a favorite movie line?
“Ah. I don’t really have a favorite movie line. Anything from Hot Rod. I can’t really give you one.”
Given the chance, who would you like to be for the day?
“Donald Trump. Chris LeDoux would be a good second.”
What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
“uh.” Jace Salutregui laughs, “I rode bulls. I mean that’s pretty crazy enough right?”
Did you get stomped on?
“Yeah, several times actually. By horses and bulls.”
Tell us, what was your first car?
“Oh it was a 91 Chevy 1 ton dually.”
If money was no object, what vehicle would you own?
“It would probably be a Ford Raptor.”

If you’d like to get in touch with Jace Salutregui, you can call him on (307) 206-3077 or send him an email.
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