Can you Mix Different Types of Coolant?
What is coolant? Coolant ( either ethylene glycol or propylene glycol) is diluted (usually 50/50 with distilled water) antifreeze. It is used for...
2018 NIRA RAM 2500 Truck Winner is…….
2018 National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association RAM truck giveaway The National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (NIRA) give away a RAM 2500...
Review: 2018 Toyota Camry XSE V6
2018 Toyota Camry XSE V6 Review The XSE surprised me. Ok, it’s not the most clever rhyme ever, but it does pretty much sum up what my thoughts are on the 2018 Toyota Camry XSE. The Camry, of course, has been a best seller in the U.S. for a long time. To some, it might be…
575 hp Supercharged RAM Rebel TRX is happening
RAM Trucks reveals TRX will go into production Back in the fall of 2016 RAM Trucks introduced a concept truck called the Rebel TRX. As...
How to: Protect Your Vehicle from Hail Damage [Video]
How to avoid hail damage (or at least try) What is hail? If you've ever been in a snowball fight when someone decides to lob the hardest...
2018 Fremont All Mopar Car Show, Casper, WY [Video]
2018 All Mopar Car Show Amidst storm season, the Fremont Motors All Mopar Car Show in 2017 was a washout with heavy rain and thunder....