Vehicle Batteries: Facts and Myths

Electrical components are an important part of car function. Your battery, in particular, plays a vital role in your vehicle’s…

2020 Toyota Supra | The Return of a Legend

Only a few names in the motoring world can create both excitement and nostalgia. The Toyota Supra does just that.…

Seven Signs You Need To Get Your Vehicle’s Brakes Checked

Every year motorists around the country are required to get their vehicles inspected, which includes periodic safety inspections of things…

Truck Payload and Towing Capacity: What’s the Difference?

Truck payload and towing capacity—you’ve probably heard these two phrases at some point. Maybe an advertisement for a new Ford…

How To Activate Toyota Service Connect

Toyota Service Connect provides up-to-date vehicle information, such as status and alerts, maintenance reminders and more. It’s available on select…